what a typical picture

De fiecare data cand imi adun fortele si reusesc dupa multe incurajari sa o iau dintr-un capat al casei pana-n celalalt si sa fac curat, imi propun sa pastrez ordinea. Sa spal farfuria dupa ce mananc, sa-mi pun hainele in dulap si nu pe scaun, etc. Si reusesc sa fac asta cateva zile. Apoi, out of nowhere, apare haosul. Nu stiu cand, cum si de ce, dar ma trezesc ca jumate din dulap e prin casa si nu mai am nicio farfurie de pe care sa infulec ceva. Nu e un motiv de lauda, evident, dar se intampla – de obicei, dupa cateva zile lucrate, cu seri in oras si dimineti contra cronometru. Sau atunci cand lenea gets the best of me. Azi ar fi trebuit sa fac curat. Seemed like a must in the morning. Seems like a „maybe tomorrow” acum. Simtindu-ma usor vinovata pentru dezordinea din jur, m-am apucat de citit, doar ca sa gasesc pasajul urmator. M-a amuzat coincidenta si ma simt mai bine.

„She had a collection of matchbooks from extravagant places, dropped here and there on tables in the dingy apartment she still shared with Gregg. They made it look like she lived a gay, mad life. What a typical picture for anyone from out of New York: career girl’s apartment, stockings drying over the shower rod, clothes flung helter-skelter in the rush to get to the office on time, to a date on time, a scrap of cheese and some canned orange juice in the icebox, perhaps a bottle of wine there too, wads of dust lying under the studio couch because you couldn’t clean except on weekends and sometimes not even then, and all those brightly colored matchbooks with names of well-known eating places, so that even if one managed only two good and sufficient meals a week one could still light one’s cigarettes for the rest of the week with the memory” (Rona Jaffe – The Best of Everything)

0 Comments on “what a typical picture”

  1. nu stiu zau cum poti fi asa dezordonata, de fiecare data iti spun exact ce-ai spus si tu mai sus: spala farfuria dupa ce mananci, pune hainele in dulap exact dupa ce te dezbraci, e atat de simplu!!!! mai ales cand ai un exemplu cu 6 etaje mai jos. of, of

  2. frate, soro, tre` sa fac curat, treeebuie! nu exista un manual de „cum sa incepi sa faci curat”? mie imi vine sa ma uit la un film cand vad ce e in camera 😀

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