10 minute

buna ziua. so tell me about yourself. what are your strenghts and weaknesses? do you have a smartphone?

‘when an area in spain has a bad reputation, it’s really bad and shitty. when an area in berlin has a bad reputation, it’s just a bit uglier or something.’

i’ll give you a call sometime.

am visat ca m-a prins o tanti fara bilet la metrou. dar eu credem ca am si scoteam convinsa din geanta bilete mai vechi. ea s-a saturat sa-mi infirme biletele si s-a urcat in urmatorul tren. eu am dat un telefon sa povestesc patania.

apoi cineva a trantit usa. s-a facut iar liniste. am vrut sa ma trezesc. am de lucrat. am adormit la loc.

cioc, cioc. stii, maine sunt toate magazinele inchise. oh, yes, of course, thanks!

sunteti toti la mare? v-ati imbracat toti in portocaliu?

sa fii nascut de 1 mai. ‘why did my mother have to do that?’

so do you miss romania? where are you from? oh, romania, buna, ce faci? how amazing, like all my friends want to go there. can you teach me romanian? do you speak dutch? do you want onion on your noodles?

you gotta get up and try.

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