
Catalin imi da o leapsa. Trebuie sa formez un text din versurile a 10 dintre melodiile mele preferate si sa pun link spre piese. Cam asta a iesit:

The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup
I said „What’s the problem baby?”
„That laugh, that wrinkles your nose, touches my foolish heart”
And in a chain reaction I was down and calling for a place to hide
„I can’t relate to the neverending games that you play
Maybe I’m just too demanding”
„Iar ce simti tu lasi in drum”
„This I’ve tried and now refuse
And found myself alone
I’m lovin’ angels instead

Nu stiu cum vi se pare voua, dar in capul meu are sens. 😀 Nu stiu cui sa dau mai departe, ma mai gandesc. Uau, doua propozitii care incep cu „nu stiu”. Nu stiu ce inseamna.

0 Comments on “Colaj”

  1. Pingback: My music collage
  2. Hai ca a iesit misto. Suntem plini de talent cu totii. 😛
    Apropo.. cred ca asta e o metoda buna de plagiat. Faci ceva de genul asta si apoi schimbi un pic versurile, le faci sa rimeze.. si gata textul. 😀

  3. I’m coming out of my cage

    I look a little bit older

    James Dean in the rain

    I awoke on the roadside

    Move across the night like a separate wind

    I’m not looking for sweet talk

    I’m coming to find you

    I wanna take you a midnight show tonight

    Oh don’t be shy, let’s cause a scene

    You should have known by now you were on my list

    Eu am selectionat numai Killers 🙂 Multumesc, Sabina, pentru gazduire. Catalin, multumesc pentru leapsa, a fost cool 🙂

  4. Pingback: Music lovers

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